

ReGen III is developing a re-refining facility in Texas City, TX, with nameplate capacity of 5,600 bpd of UMO. The facility will utilize ReGen III’s patented ReGen™ technology to produce Group III and Group II+ base oils and other products.

To date, ReGen III has completed FEL-2 and Value Engineering as part of the Front End Engineering and Design (“FEED”) phase, and is projecting the Texas Facility will be commissioned 24-30 months following a Final Investment Decision (“FID”). ReGen III has also secured feedstock LOIs and signed a letter of intent with Advario North America (“Advario”). Subject to successful negotiation of the site lease and terminal services agreement, it is ReGen III’s intention to locate its Texas project on Advario’s brownfield terminal site in Texas City in order to take advantage of the extensive storage and logistics infrastructure already in place.
